Wednesday, March 27, 2013

West Civ Class 3/27/13

Today in class we watched some scenes from a really gory movie, "Alexander".  We saw the battle against the Persians where Alexander used a strategy where he split the Persian army by branching out then flanking the main body of the Persian army including Darius III. Alexander was really hoping to kill Darius because he set up an assassination in Alexanders father. The second scene we saw was the battle against the Indians and their elephants, in which Bucephalus dies and Alexander decides to stop his conquest. This movie was as unrealistic as history can get if you count it as history. At one point a man was swinging around two decapitated heads and actually killing people with them. Another man got clothes-lined by an elephant which could never be trained to do that, and yes I know this is just a movie but I am a very big critic and am very tired. Good Night.

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