Monday, March 18, 2013

West Civ Class 3/18/13

Today in class we took a very easy test that I'm pretty sure I got a 100 on and then were given an assignment to do by Mr. Schick which I will do here. The Hellenistic period or Hellenistic civilization is the period of ancient Greek history between the death of Macedonian king Alexander the Great in 323 BC and the emergence of ancient Rome. 
Athens lost the Peloponnesian war because they first off didn't have a big enough army and for some reason decided to go up head to head with Sparta. If Athens hadn't been so eager to be the most powerful city-state in Greece then they might have been able to gain some allies and take Sparta out. It also never helped that the Macedonians were attacking at the time. Athens only focus in a military aspect was their navy, if they had to fight on land they would lose every time especially against Sparta. In 359 BC the Macedonian king Perdiccas III died and the heir was given to his infant son Amyntas IV. The child’s uncle Phillip II assumed power. When Philip II later died Alexander the Great took over and conquered most of Asia Minor and Europe.

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