Tuesday, March 12, 2013

West Civ Blog 3/12/13

Today in class we talked about how Pericles pretty much killed himself through an act of hubris. He attacked Sparta merely because he didn't like them being so close and so powerful. We also talked about how Socrates didn't care about his appearance only about his mind. I took, what I thought to be, some pretty good notes on the overall movie so i will post them here.

Pericles ruled Athens during its golden age and rebuilt the Parthenon to praise Athena.

Socrates replaced gods with reason and was the first to question them. (and was ugly)


Pericles was stupid and attacked the Spartans OUT OF SPITE!

The plague killed 1/3rd of Athens at the time including Pericles

Athenian naval generals were thrown in jail and forced to drink hemlock for leaving men behind

Sicily asks Athens for help, Athens takes advantage and attacks Sicily, Sparta takes advantage and attacks Athens, Athens blames Socrates.

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