Tuesday, April 9, 2013

West Civ Blog 4/9/13

-The Romans did not only imitate Greek culture, but also added to it
-Italy was a Mediterranean land with farming land and crops similar to Greece they had more open land and could raise more people for a bigger army.
-Tribal groups such as the Latins were the first to settle on the Italian peninsula.
-The next people to settle there were the Etruscan.
-The the Greeks came along and settled on the peninsula.
-Latins first learned there alphabet and gained knowledge of Greek cities, which was passed down to the Romans.
Patricians are the aristocrats with the money.
-Plebeians were the common folk of Rome like farmers, workers, and rich people that were not born into a rich family.
-Romans also had slaves that worked for only Patricians.
-The Senate was made up of 300 or so old wise Patricians.
-The monarchy was abolished in 509 BC because of Tarquin the Proud who ruled like a dictator.
-Tarquin's son attacked and raped was a high up woman, and Tarquin did NOTHING about it. (The woman ended up killing herself because she lost her reputation)
-Peoples Business (res publica)- Romes Republic
-Consuls were two men from the senate who had more power then the rest.
-This was so not one person will have to much power, and they could VETO each other.
-Consuls could serve for 1 year every 10 years.
-You must have served in the senate to become a Consul.
-These were a set of laws for Rome that were set out for all to see.
-Before the 5th century there was no written law, before there was only spoken law that was remembered by judges who were Patricians (How Handy!).
-The Plebeians wanted a voice in the government since they did all the work in the country.

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