Tuesday, April 23, 2013

West Civ Blog 4/23/13

So today in class we all looked at how much extra credit we got for our Rome videos and took some notes. Since I can,t use this for the Quiz/Test, which should be called a Tuest (Twe-st), I see no point in posting the notes here. So instead I shall go off topic of west civ, just like in class today, and talk about the extra credit projects. When we all presented our extra credit movies, Max and I (Hayden was in the group but he didn't do much) only had finished 1 minute of the 4 minute song so I thought "OK, I'll just present what we have and get less credit then everyone else". However that is not what happened , instead we got just as much credit as everyone else because we somehow squeezed 56 pictures into 1.30 of the song. Well some people weren't to happy with this and apparently I am know as "Maxwell's friend" to some people.

P.S. I like the word Tuest. That is all.

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