Tuesday, April 30, 2013

West Civ Class 4/30/13

Today in class we finished watching the 8 part series of videos following Tiberius (Rex) Gracchus and the fall of the Roman Republic. I personally think that Tiberius was misunderstood and he did not want absolute power, he just wanted to help out. The only reason he wanted more power is so that the senate could not stop him from helping the plebeians. The power that he got with Vetoing everything may have gone to his head a bit, but he was just trying to prove a point.

Monday, April 29, 2013

West Civ Class 4/29/13

Today in class we watched a series of you tube videos about the Gracchus brothers and the fall of the republic. Also I think that we should watch Ben Hur since we are watching movies now and Ben Hur deals with Rome.

Friday, April 26, 2013

West Civ Class 4/26/13

Well its that time of the year. The time where teachers and parents are getting on kids and students everywhere to "finish the year strong" and all the kids are fed up with work. Mr. Schick did not disappoint when his part of this as more of a pep-talk with a lot less yelling. Sometimes you just have to listen to them and work, however most kids just let everything go in the last quarter. Days are slipping through our fingers like sand in a tornado. I am trying to hold on but somethings are slipping. It seems so hard to balance all these subjects at once, especially when you don't like some of them. I intend to try and keep up with everything, and finish the year with A's.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

West Civ Blog 4/24/13

Today in class we took a test/quiz on Rome. Other than some questions about their government, I'm pretty sure I got them all right. The hardest questions for me were all about the government and I do not know why this is, however I think it is because Chi Cago only briefly mentioned the government in his song.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

West Civ Blog 4/23/13

So today in class we all looked at how much extra credit we got for our Rome videos and took some notes. Since I can,t use this for the Quiz/Test, which should be called a Tuest (Twe-st), I see no point in posting the notes here. So instead I shall go off topic of west civ, just like in class today, and talk about the extra credit projects. When we all presented our extra credit movies, Max and I (Hayden was in the group but he didn't do much) only had finished 1 minute of the 4 minute song so I thought "OK, I'll just present what we have and get less credit then everyone else". However that is not what happened , instead we got just as much credit as everyone else because we somehow squeezed 56 pictures into 1.30 of the song. Well some people weren't to happy with this and apparently I am know as "Maxwell's friend" to some people.

P.S. I like the word Tuest. That is all.

Monday, April 22, 2013

West Civ Blog 4/22/13

Today in class we took notes and watched the rest of the projects. Some people actually completed their project, but I was getting annoyed by the time Mr. Schick told us it was extra credit so that was good. The reason the Romans were better than the Greeks is because they took what the Greeks had and made it better.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

West Civ Blog 4/17/13

Today in class Mr Schick announced that because of so many problems with technology we will no longer be graded on our "Rome" movie and it will only be extra credit. Holly, who finished hers at 12 in the morning was angered by this and forced Mr Schick to play hers to the entire class. Hearing that song again made my eardrums bleed knowledge (which is a good thing). I feel like this song really helped me studie and this test will be easy.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

West Civ Blog 4/16/13

Today in class Mr. Schick was not here so Sister Marge supervised us while we worked in groups on our project which my group is 1/2 of the way done. This project is no longer fun; it is so repetitive that I can recite the first 2 parts at twice the speed. It was pretty fun at first, but then it got repetitive; and then it got annoying. Now it is getting really old and I am pretty annoyed every time I hear it. Last night I worked on it a bit, but tonight I'm going to listen to my own music and not go near that project in fear of getting the song stuck in my head again.

Monday, April 15, 2013

West Civ Blog 4/15/13

Oh My God. I have memorized the entire first two paragraphs of "Rome" while editing the movie we are making. Max, Hayden, and I have grouped up to make a movie in Movie Maker with "Rome" by Chi-Cago (Mr. Schick) in the background and since it's on my computer I decided to do some work on it like a good group member. Well I've really taken one for the team this time because I now have to blast really loud music in my ears to not hear it playing in the back of my brain. However, it is a good thing that I am memorizing it for tests and the final exam. So far I have at least 1/4 of it done.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


  • Allies provided units for protection
  • Allies had the same rights as citizens in Rome
  • 250 BC all of Italy south of River Po was in Roman hand
  • Fought with Carthage, who was similar to Rome
  • Took place between 246 and 146 BC
  • Carthage lost the second Punic war in 202 BC
  • Rome won the third war in 146 BC 
  • In 202 BC Rome had control of the whole Mediterranean
  • Consuls ruled major parts of the land
  • After 27 BC provinces shared benefits of Rome Order
  • 200 BC ambassadors from Greek city states came to Rome for aid, Rome sent armies
  • Rome ruled all of East Mediterranean 

Friday, April 12, 2013

West Civ Blog 4/12/13

Today in West Civ Mr. Schick wasn't there so our sub had us work on our comics. Here's mine and Max's comic; http://Pixton.com/ic:8b4s99yo.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

West Civ Blog 4/9/13

-The Romans did not only imitate Greek culture, but also added to it
-Italy was a Mediterranean land with farming land and crops similar to Greece they had more open land and could raise more people for a bigger army.
-Tribal groups such as the Latins were the first to settle on the Italian peninsula.
-The next people to settle there were the Etruscan.
-The the Greeks came along and settled on the peninsula.
-Latins first learned there alphabet and gained knowledge of Greek cities, which was passed down to the Romans.
Patricians are the aristocrats with the money.
-Plebeians were the common folk of Rome like farmers, workers, and rich people that were not born into a rich family.
-Romans also had slaves that worked for only Patricians.
-The Senate was made up of 300 or so old wise Patricians.
-The monarchy was abolished in 509 BC because of Tarquin the Proud who ruled like a dictator.
-Tarquin's son attacked and raped was a high up woman, and Tarquin did NOTHING about it. (The woman ended up killing herself because she lost her reputation)
-Peoples Business (res publica)- Romes Republic
-Consuls were two men from the senate who had more power then the rest.
-This was so not one person will have to much power, and they could VETO each other.
-Consuls could serve for 1 year every 10 years.
-You must have served in the senate to become a Consul.
-These were a set of laws for Rome that were set out for all to see.
-Before the 5th century there was no written law, before there was only spoken law that was remembered by judges who were Patricians (How Handy!).
-The Plebeians wanted a voice in the government since they did all the work in the country.

Monday, April 8, 2013

West Civ Blog 4/8/13

Today in class we took a test on Alexander the Great and The Hellenistic Era. This was a short test and was quite easy considering I didn't use my blog and feel confident that I got a 100. I don't know what else to put here so I'm going to use a space-filler.
File:Spacefiller animate (2).gif
That should do it.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Notes For The Test.

Birth Place – Pella of Macedonia
Held as hostage in Thesbe
While held hostage he learned military and diplomatic education
Tried to combine cultures to make Helenistic culture
Was king of Macedon from 359 BCE
Olympia- She was a princess until Philip II conquered her father and took her as a bride. She claimed that Alexander’s the Great was the son of Zeus.
Alexander trained Bucephalus by learning that he was afraid of his shadow
In October 336 BCE Philip II of Macedon was killed in Aegea.
There was a lot of tension in Alexander’s family
The battle of the Granicus River
The Siege of Helecarnasius
The battle with the Persians at Issus
He was only 20 years old when he assumed power.
Alexander marched to India in 327 BC
In 326 B.C. his forces met the Indians
Indians fought with elephants against the foot soldiers of the Macedonian Army
He died on June 10 323 BC